The fundamental success of any enterprise is knowing the business it is in, the future opportunities and advantages for that business, and understanding how to identify, capture and sustain that advantage.
From the outset, PCG has assisted our clients in creating robust and accountable strategies and supported their effective implementation. We work in close collaboration with our clients across a broad range of industries to assess all key relevant issues concerning their business.
Our Strategy capabilities include:

Corporate Strategy
PCG will identify advantages to ensure that a company achieves a value that is greater than the sum of its parts. We develop a sustainable strategic direction supported by resource allocation, business unit plans and growth platforms, development or acquisition of new business and consideration of options for non-core business. We assist clients in creating a portfolio mix that will maximise market value.

Business Unit Strategy
Our approach is to deliver a solution for each client by addressing questions that are central to developing a business unit strategy, where to play in their market, and how to enhance the company’s relative advantage to its competitors. We examine the current business model and its capabilities for future advantage and how to position it for future wins. We provide customised solutions that deliver integrated and combative business unit strategies, whether it is through an annual planning review process or a full turnaround.

Five-Year Plan
The development of a five-year plan flows from strategy and strategic review and defines business initiatives and investment for our clients.
The plan outlines CAPEX, OPEX, incremental revenue, gross profit and EBITDA forecasts that link to high-level project plans and milestones.

Industry Fact Base
In developing an Industry Fact Base we work with our clients to scope and identify the following:
Market Fact Base:
- Market definition, size and outlook
- Market segmentation
- Competitive landscape
- Key forces shaping the future.
Market Positioning:
- Brand and value propositions
- Footprint and key value propositions issues.

Business Case Development
PCG develops detailed high-level business cases for our clients. We model cash flows and a business case based on assumptions and input from key stakeholders. The business case defines how and what future cash flow will exceed return on capital hurdles, and identifies and mitigates risks.

Growth Planning
Core growth strategy is a key component of our consultancy expertise. We help companies focus on growth strategy through cash flow, shareholder value and revenue. We look to optimise cost and revenue opportunities, identify new sources of revenue, distribution channels and customer segments in both a client’s core business and potential new business platforms. We work with CEOs, boards and senior management to identify their core business capabilities and profit lines, and consider emerging markets to map out a sustainable growth planning strategy.