
Australia and international property companies have benefited from PCG's focus on delivering results

With extensive knowledge of the core challenges facing Property companies, we are able to assist our clients in developing strategic and operational solutions.

Our Expertise

Cost rationalisation
Contract and tender management

Client Results

Extracting value from projects
A leading Australian property management has over 150 office and industrial assets across major cities and needed to be able to more effectively manage tenant vacancies.

Business Opportunity

Any tenant vacancy will require standard and repetitive on floor refurbishment works, however the timing and volume of these vacancy are unknown and cannot be guaranteed.

PCG evaluated a large sample of refurbishment projects across a 12 months period to identify opportunities in the tendering processes and vendor management.

Our Recommendation

PCG designed a new operating model covering all on-floor repetitive works. This is achieved through:

1. Bundling assets into precincts
2. Offering vendors exclusivity to offset uncertainty
3. Establishing a standardised activity based schedule of rates
4. Enhanced competitive tension by continuously performance and price benchmarking against neighbouring precincts
Results Achieved

Our model delivered multi-faceted benefits to the business by reducing administrative costs in tendering, significant improvement in return-to-market timing, creating scale to drive pricing efficiencies and reduction in vendor management complexities. Each factor contributing to an overall bottom line improvement.

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